IFIC Canada Virtual Community Care: How Does Policy Support Integrated Care? International Examples, Ontario Practice

Health systems around the world are aligned in aiming to improve on quadruple aim goals of patient and provider experience, health outcomes and value creation. Health systems are also pursuing these goals through the advancement of population health and integrated care.

The North American Observatory (NAO) has undertaken an international review of health policy supports for integrated care with case studies draw from the NHS England, the Netherlands, Germany and the United States. The NAO and key informants from this international review will speak to the opportunities for Canada to learn from these examples.

The Health System Performance Network in Ontario also undertook a review within Ontario’s example of population health and integrated care – Ontario Health Teams – to understand local health system needs and policy stakeholder goals and supports within integrated delivery systems. Join our speakers and learn from the international experience. Bring your ideas, questions and challenges and ideas for policy supports for population health and integrated care.



Walter Wodchis
Walter Wodchis, PhD, is Professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, Research Chair in Implementation and Evaluation Science and Senior Scientist at the Institute for Better Health (IBH), Trillium Health Partners, and Senior Adjunct Scientist at ICES. He is also co-lead for the International Foundation for Integrated care (IFIC) Canada. An internationally recognized scientist in health economics, financing, health care policy evaluation and integrated care, Walter is leading research to understand and improve health system integration and performance. Through his research programs which include more than 30 collaborating researchers and as many trainees, Dr. Wodchis has developed research to understand the needs and care trajectories for individuals with high care costs and complex health needs, particularly those with multiple chronic conditions. He has led multiple local, national and international research programs to understand the implementation of integrated care programs to address those needs. At IBH, Wodchis is working to advance a Learning Health System. As principal investigator for the Health System Performance Network (HSPN), Walter also leads a team of scientists and trainees responsible for provincial evaluations of integrated care programs in Ontario. Building on a recent 5-year international study on implementing integrated Care Of Adults with Complex Health needs (iCOACH), Dr. Wodchis and a national research team were awarded a three-year, three-province grant to study the development of interprofessional team-based primary health care in January 2022. Past significant publications include quality of life measurement for older populations, incentives and government payment for physicians and long-term care including pay for performance, and the relationship between quality and cost. He holds a Bachelor of Mathematics (Waterloo), Master’s in both Gerontology (Waterloo) and Economics (Michigan) and earned his doctorate in Health Services Organization and Policy (Health Economics) at the University of Michigan.
Jodeme Goldhar

Jodeme’s passion is convening opportunities for those in health and social care systems to work together around common goals to realize the potential for transformative improvement. As health systems pursue better integration, Jodeme believes that we need to work in new ways, with new power structures, to bring out the best in individuals, teams, communities and systems. 

Jodeme was formerly Executive Lead, Strategy and Innovation at The Change Foundation which serves as a catalyst to support large scale transformative change and ensures change opportunities are co-designed with patients/clients, their caregivers/carers and providers. Jodeme brings over 20 years of experience in the Ontario health care and health policy sector and is an adjunct lecturer and co-instructor at the University of Toronto’s Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Previously, Jodeme was the Chief Strategy Officer and Lead, Health System Integration for Complex Populations and Primary Care, at Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre. In those roles, Jodeme worked locally and internationally with government, organizations and providers across the health system, clients and families. 

She has also acted as principal and co-principal investigator on a number of integrated care research initiatives to inform policy and practice in Ontario. 

Jodeme serves as an International Fellow of the NHS Horizons team, a Senior Associate for The International Foundation for Integrated Care, an Executive Coach and is a Co founder of IFIC Canada, the North American Centre for Integrated Care. 

Gaya Embuldeniya

Gayathri Embuldeniya is an anthropologist and qualitative researcher at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME). She is broadly interested in how things emerge and what makes them work the way they do. She currently focuses on understanding the production and experience of integration in health systems. She received her PhD (cultural anthropology) from the University of California, her MA (English language and literature) from the University of Oxford and was an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Chicago. 

Camielle Oung

Camille is a Fellow at the Nuffield Trust and has worked on many research projects and evaluations relating to social care. She leads the Trust’s work on social care across the UK’s four countries, and has extensively researched France’s social care system. Camille has previously worked at the Department of Health and Social Care, and is a career development fellow at the NIHR school for social care research. 

Julie Farmer

Julie Farmer is a Research Assistant at the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO), PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, and Registered Dental Hygienist in Ontario. At the NAO, Julie is involved in comparative health system and policy projects related to primary care, team-based care, and dentistry. 

Stefanie Tan

Stefanie Tan is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the North American Observatory for Health Systems and Policy and the Institute for Pandemics in the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She specialises in health financing, outcomes-based contracts, and comparative health systems policy. Her current research focuses on policy reforms related to primary care and integrated health systems. Previous to this, she was a Research Fellow in the Policy Innovation Research Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She brings evaluation expertise on Social Impact Bonds, a novel variant of pay for performance funding using outcomes-based contracting and incentives for innovation in the biopharma sector to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Viktoria Stein

Dr. Viktoria Stein is Assistant Professor at the Department for Public Health and Primary Care at Leiden University Medical Centre and joint editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Integrated Care. She is also co-founder and co-CEO of VM Partners Integrating Health and Care. Viktoria has worked extensively as a consultant and expert for international agencies like the World Health Organisation, World Bank, or Accreditation Canada, on topics as workforce development, integrated care design, evaluation and monitoring, or population health management and community involvement. Viktoria actively promotes the involvement of people, families and communities in every phase of design and implementation of integrated care, as well as on every level of decision making 

Sara Allin

Sara Allin is an Associate Professor of Health Policy at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She is also Director of the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO), a collaborative partnership and research centre focussed on sub-national and international health systems research to support evidence-informed policy making. Sara’s research and teaching span comparative health systems and policies, health system performance and health equity. As Director of the NAO, Sara leads a program of research that includes both rapid reviews in response to pressing health policy questions by local and international decision-makers and health sector stakeholders, and longer-term in-depth studies of health systems structures and reforms. She uses comparative methods, including qualitative case studies and quantitative analyses of survey and administrative data, and applies these to health policy questions within and across Canada, and in comparison with other high-income countries.

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